Are you the food lover? This blog will recommend you the place that have many interesting food around Pontian district. Here are some places we found that can fulfill your stomach. 


Restoran Selera Tradisi Catering Signboard

Buras with Chicken Kurma and Serunding 

If you guys want to try something different in Pontian you can found Bugis food at Restoran Selera Tradisi Catering.


Asam pedas is familiar in the state of Johor, include in Pontian itself, so the best asam pedas that can be found is in Restoran Asam Pedas Ummi. You can all check out feedback from a travel guide that says food here is delicious. So, don't forget to try this asam pedas.

Asam Pedas Ikan Merah & Ikan Pari 

If you guys go to area Tambak,Pontian. You actually can find the best Nasi Lemak here. It is sold at stalls in that area. It's a great pleasure to enjoy the Nasi Lemak while enjoying the ocean views in the evening.

Steamboat Food Truck 

The local have recommended 2 option of restaurant in this area which is Fast & Good Restaurant and Zam Tomyam Seafood Restaurant for dinner. At Fast & Good Restaurant, they serve the best tom yam seafood in Pontian and it's located near to the mosque.

The second place is at Zam Tomyam Seafood near to the Petronas where they serve variety of seafood dish to fulfill your appetite. This is the places that we recommend for tourist that planning to visit Pontian.

Further Information:

  • Watch our video for details about the food


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